| In the process of post laser resurfacing recovery. When skin is damaged, the process of healing begins with the activation of enzymes and white blood cells that destroy bacteria. Macrophages (cells that remove debris) clear the treated area of destroyed cellular material. The blood flow to the treated area increases, bringing nutritive substances to the damaged tissue. Macrophages also stimulate fibroblasts to secrete collagen, a type of protein that strengthens and heals the tissues. Within one to two days, the epithelial cell layer of skin begins to form. Oxygen promotes the production of collagen and epithelial cell growth within the treated area. Nutrition, the immune system, oxygen and biO2 Cosmeceuticals treatment formulations consisting of Amino-Plex®, Amino-Plex® II (contains over 100 ingredients, the most active being: amino acids, trace minerals, electrolytes, nucleotides, nucleosides(RNA/DNA), glycosamingoglycans, glycolipids, micellized Vitamin E (.05 microns)) all of these properties promote a better quality of healing; and Micellized Vitamin E (promotes healing). Together these formulations make Oxy-Mist and are influential factors in the healing process. The biO2 Cosmeceuticals Post Laser Recovery Treatment Program, Oxy-Mist will make you look healthier and give your skin a smoother texture than you ever thought possible. If you are looking for the answer to quicker recovery and healthy, vital looking skin, then biO2 Cosmeceuticals Oxy-Mist Treatment Program is the answer. All of biO2 Cosmeceuticals home care products are safe to use on patients of different ages and skin types. biO2 Cosmeceuticals Post Laser Recovery treatments and skin care products are available without a prescription and are physician tested and approved. In clinical studies, the patients were lased on half of their face and the second half was lased 2-3 weeks later. This study compared the biO2 Cosmeceuticals Oxy-Mist program vs. wrapping/net method, ointment and other open techniques. To locate a physician in your area that is offering the Oxy-Mist program, please E-mail us at: bio2@oxymist.com or call 800-599-8885, or 800-499-1372. |